About Us
Zee Telecom boasts some of the most innovative, experienced and connected individuals in the industry.telecom_iot_blog-min_1We work on an ethic of hard work, smart working, excellent customer service, and continued development in an ever changing market.
Zee Telecom team is a combination of creative, technical, sales, marketing and operations professionals who conceptualise, design, build and market all our products in-house. We’re extremely experienced in taking a simple idea and turning it into an exciting and profitable product.
We have a history of performing in a tightly regulated market with strong company growth and adaptive business practices.
Our knowledge of telecoms is deep and wide. Most importantly, we know better than anyone how telecoms0117031114585301a35bbbbe6 can power a wide range of products across many diverse industries. Over the years, we’ve consistently produced a flow of new products that take advantage of the current market and pioneer new ones.
Our door is always open to new ideas. We have the capability to work with you at all stages of your product development and then further, into the sales and marketing cycle. All discussions about new products are confidential and we’ll be as honest as we need to be about your ideas.