UK Numbers

Domestic Premium Rate Numbers

UK Premium Rate

ZeeTelecom offer a wide range of premium rate solutions from a variety of carriers. We cover adult services through to competitions and technical support lines. We have the technical capabilities to develop and build the most complex IVR solutions. Bring your ideas to us and we will make them reality.

UK Non Geographic

We provide a wide range of Non Geographic numbers to our clients, from free-to-call to revenue generating we can offer any bespoke solution.

UK Geographic

Based outside of the UK but want UK presence? We have ranges from the largest cities in the UK. We can provide a London number for any company in any country.Sometimes location is everything.

UK personal Numbers

We have a very large selection of 070 numbers billed at different price points. If you are in need of a single point of contact then a personal number is for you.

UK Mobile

Zee Telecom offer a great range of mobile numbers, these numbers can be used for a variety of services and can be easily implemented within hours. Please call for further information.


We offer a free standard set up. If you want a personalised system built please speak with one of our account managers and explain exactly what you want set up and receive a quote.

If what you want built could be an upgrade we believe our other customers may benefit from then this could be set up for FREE!

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